Friday, June 19, 2009

Count down to our move!

Here is a picture of our new house!  We have  37 days left until our move. We are pretty excited to move into a house even though we are only renting. It's so much bigger then our  little apartments we are use to renting. One of the things I am really looking forward to is the big back yard. We have a huge deck in the back that the landlord just had redone.  We are looking forward to having lots of bbqs and watching Hayleigh run around until she is tired. I really want to get her a pool and slide or something of the sort. Adam says he is really excited to cut the grass. I give it two weeks and he won't want to do it anymore, lol. It should be pretty cool to have extra things to do, like plant some flowers or have a little veggie garden. But that is just adding to the million of things I already do. Well, Hayleigh might like getting her hands dirty and picking all the flowers around the house. I have so much packing to do and really dont know where to start. Hay has so many toys she doesn't even play with. I really can't see myself getting rid of them. I feel like I can't throw anything away of hers. 

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