Friday, October 2, 2009

Loving This Girl!

Just another day outside,Hayleigh sometimes likes to pose while I'm taking pictures. Other times forget it can't even get one picture.  I love all the moments we spend together even when she is driving me crazy. She is the best thing that has ever happen to us. We are really excited to have another but nervous at the same time. I know its going to be so hard but in the end I can't wait for Hayleigh to have a sister  or brother to play with. She is always up my butt, so I wonder how she will be with a new baby around.  Well guess we just have to wait and see. Hayleigh I know would love to play  with her brother or sister outside. she is always looking out the window watching the big kids play. Even when we are outside,sometimes she just sits there and watches them. I feel bad cause they are so much older then her. Well,  I can't wait until she has someone to hang out with.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how grown up she is. She is so beautiful. We hope you guys are doing well. How much longer until we know what #2 is??
